Report An App

Report a Content Dispute

If you believe that an app violates your intellectual property rights, you can submit your claim here. In most cases, content available through AltStore is made available by third party providers and, upon receiving your submission, we will contact the provider of the disputed content regarding your claim and ask that they work with you directly to resolve the issue.

Report a Naming Dispute

If you believe an app is using your trademark as an app name on AltStore, you can submit your claim here. In most cases, we will contact the provider of the disputed app(s) regarding your claim and ask that they work with you directly to resolve the issue.

Report a Compliance Dispute

If you believe an app on AltStore does not comply with our App Guidelines, including any legal requirements in areas where it is distributed, you can report it here. In most cases, we will contact the provider of the disputed app(s) regarding your claim and ask that they work with you directly to resolve the issue.